Mondays are hard. I try not to be one of those people living for the weekend, but the fact is, the weekends are MY time. And I want my time. Even more since I was furloughed for six weeks in April and May, and rediscovered just how GLORIOUS a large amount of me-time can be. (and that was highly stressed, stuck at home, me-time! Imagine having weeks and weeks of me time when I can do what I want!)
So yeah. Getting up this morning was really hard. Putting myself together to go to work is even harder. I dunwanna! But I will.
But the next time I see some damn fool on Twitter whining, “I haven’t left my house in four months am I the only one still quarantining?” I am likely to bite. I would be at home, you see, JERK, but society thinks I’m expendable.
err, in other news, the tomatoes are still in existence! I will be very lucky if I also get two carrots for my efforts. My planner continues to help me Do the Things. And the Paranormal writing-slash-editing proceeds. I love this book so much–if I can just turn it into an actual book, and not just a bunch of very fun, vaguely connected scenes.
Bah. I know I can. Just gotta do it.