I got it!!!

And read it, and loved it, and read Volume 2, and went online and ordered volumes 3-7, and now I’ll really be watching my mailbox–happy sigh. Don’t you love when you come across another great story?

This one is definitely not for everyone, as the main plot revolves around two NYC cops, one gay, one not (he says) and the gay cop spends more time chasing his partner than he does chasing bad guys–though he’s a lot more effective at chasing bad guys! Add in a juvenile delinquent adopted by the straight cop, defending his benefactor from his “pervert” partner, a thirteen-year-old very pretty pickpocket–okay, I don’t want to ruin it for anyone who might check it out. It’s called FAKE, and it’s hysterically funny, I laughed till I hurt a couple times. Dee is a terrific character, Ryo is the perfect foil for him, and so sweet and quietly strong, I can completely empathize with Dee wanting to jump on him…

I want volume three, and I want it now!!!

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