No Volume Three yet

I’m sure that’s why you read this blog, to see if the United States Postal Service is working miracles yet. Nope. Sigh. It’s only coming from Colorado! Sheesh.

111,023 is the word count, and I swear it’s wrapping up any minute. I mean it! Rafe had the big epiphany, now all I have to do is let him act on it, tie up a few loose ends, and–and start plotting out my whole galaxy, since I’ve figured out my wandering attempt at a series plan isn’t a plan at all, just a tentative timeline of dates important to my characters. Argh.

This is how bad it is–my characters live and work in the Union–mostly–but I don’t even know what form of government the Union has. I mean democratic, but now I’m thinking it’s more of a loose coalition, than an actual government, which would help explain why it’s so–well, uncivilized. I have several alien species, and I actually know more about them than other important things, but I still don’t know where Calanians come from. (I have some hints, though, and it’s not exactly “from Calanian mommys.” grin.) Need to get some political stuff into place, figure out what goes where–you can tell, reading my stories, that stuff isn’t in place yet. And my stories suffer for it.

Fortunately I have a whole summer coming up in just a little longer. Hurray!

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