I am calm

The mailman came. And left. Yes, he left a book in my mailbox. Was it Volume Three?

You know it wasn’t. The United States Postal Service hates me. It was Vol. 4. Coming from Pennsylvania. Not Vol. 3, coming from Colorado. Which, if you know your geography, you know is right next door to Arizona. No, I got the volume from Pennsylvania first. And there’s no more mail until Monday.

I am calm. I can’t imagine why you would think I am not calm. It is, after all, just a book. Just a few more days, and I’ll have the whole series. Just one or two or three more trips to the mailbox. Just a few more days. Just a few–I am calm. I am calm.

😉 Anticipation is half the fun, right? Right?

In other news, I really need a new couch.

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