Majorly dumb idea

Okay, whose brilliant idea was it to stay up till 4 a.m. reading anime fanfic? Huh? Speak up!

Oh. Right. Sorry. Sheepish grin.

Hey. It got me through. Some of it was actually pretty good. No regrets, ne?

Except that it’s way too early, and I gotta do today, at least some of the stuff I didn’t do yesterday. And try not to go back and read anymore, I know me, it’ll be 4 a.m. before I stop again.

I suppose it’s good news that I’d rather read (mostly) anonymous fiction till four in the morning than drink the Kahlua Mudslides forgotten in the bottom of my fridge. I’m sure it’s good news. Though being dragged out of bed four hours after falling in, cannot in any way be considered less than abuse. Damn morning people…

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