Never gonna make it

Never, never, never. What am I, nuts?

Drunk. Feels good. Anyways. (watch for typos. This oughtta be good.)

August 1. That’s the deadline, gotta have something in the mail to someone who might reasonably buy it, on August 1. Or before. Giggle.

My nose is numb.

Focus, as Rafe would tell himself. Though I thought the whole point was to get a little unfocused–bah. Gotta finish Rafe and Taro. Just don’t seem to want to get back, though there’s not damn much left to go. Rather wander the internet–I mentioned that. No, I won’t tell you what I’ve been reading. Between that and the Kahlua you might get worried about me. 😉 And I’m fine.

Better’n fine, right now. Grin.

100 scenes, BJ said. Pick out 100 scenes of what’s got to happen in Eve’s book–cause I’m determined Eve goes first, she can’t start out as a secondary character or my whole vision of my universe goes crubm–crumbling–grumbling into dust…oh hell, cna’t type.


Leave the damn typos–100 scenes. It’s easy to remember what you were talking about when you’re typing. My ears are burning. Y’all talking about me?

100 scenes. Pick out what has to happen, without looking at the book, God knows I ought to know what’s in it by now, don’t need to look. God, did I really write it ten years ago? How depressing…

And my galaxy. Gotta get it figured out before I sell something, once the first story is published, the stuff is set in stone. Can’t stand when authors can’t even remember where the character was born and such muff, won’t do it in my own books. I know where and when Eve was born, and I know Mikey was born the day before on a different planet, and I know all Ben’s sisters are at least 7 years older than he is and…

And read the damn book. I’m gonna get published, you watch me.

How come my typing got better again? Didn’t quit drinking…

Why did I do this on a Thursday night? Tomorrow’s gonna hurt. Sigh. Ah well. Wasn’t like I was getting any writing done tonight. Tomorrow, though–that’s probably why I went ahead and did it tonight. Friday nights are writing nights.

But Thursdays aren’t going to become drinking nights. This stuff ain’t cheap, you know. ‘sides, it’d scare the respectable folks. 😛

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