100 Scenes

Yeah, okay, sure, I can do this. It’s not going to be that hard, right?

Blah. Some stuff is easy. Ben has to figure out his captain’s secret, that she doesn’t even know. That’s one. At some point he has to decide she isn’t a psychopath after all. There’s two. At some point, SHE has to decide she isn’t a psychopath. Three.

What about the barfight, though? I mean, it’s one of my favorites, but it really doesn’t contain information I couldn’t put in quick and easy somewhere else…sigh.

Ooh. Put it in the form of a flashback, then we don’t need to know who or why, just–ooh. Gotta go.

In other news, an Amazon seller has earned my eternal wrath by sending me the wrong damn books. I won’t mention names, because they are doing their absolute best to make it up to me, but without a time machine, they can’t change the fact I’m STILL waiting for my books!!

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