I don’t know why anyone ever thought a two-day weekend was enough. It clearly needs to be three days. One for recovery, one for errands and cleanup, one for relaxing. (I think four days would be even better, but let’s not be greedy. Yet.)
Though to be honest, I didn’t get around to most of the cleaning I wanted to. It’s okay, though. The errands consisted of multiple trips to get the rest of my household vaccinated! Maybe once everyone is fully vaccinated my “protect! protect!” instinct will back off a bit and I’ll stop stuffing the house with food and toilet paper and my budget will have a chance to recover. >_>
One can only hope.
Last week at TDP, I talked about my new flight manual. This morning because of it, I found myself outside at 6:15 a.m., fixing my backyard fence. So I guess that’s continued success? I noticed it was falling down (again) and dealt with it in less than a week? I’ll take that win.
Gotta get better at getting into the manual, sorting stuff out, and then going to do things, though. I spent a lot of the weekend organizing my flight manual instead of editing. That is not as good a thing as I would like it to be.
In Different Whiny News
The Paranormal edit goes on. It would move a lot faster if I would stop wandering the internets looking for distractions I don’t quite let myself sink into but I keep looking.
Brains, man. Why is it so hard to make your brain do what you want it to do, what you want to do? I want to edit. I love this book! And I’d really like to shove it out the door and start a new one!
Anyway. Just keep swimming. We will all, together, keep swimming.
In the meantime, please enjoy this picture of an octopus balanced on a spire of miriam jasper, because I was procrastinating that is clearly what you need in your life.

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