Monday, Monday, So Good to Me…

(Look, I lost track of this, okay? I do know that it’s now Wednesday.) (wow.)

I’m actually prepared for this week. Well, as prepared as I can be, seeing it’s the last week of school. I’ve got smoothies in the freezer, ready for a slight defrosting and dumping into a bowl to throw granola and some berries on top. I have mason jar salads in the fridge, ready to take to work and eat all week. I have plans and groceries bought for dinner. My laundry is clean, my bed is fresh (and my mattress turned!)

three mason jar salads on a counter flanked by balsamic vinaigrette dressing

On the one hand, I’m super proud of myself! On the other hand, is that any kind of way to spend a weekend?

But it’s okay. I need to edit, and I need all that stuff out of the way so that I can. I have a TDP post due tomorrow too, can’t forget about that…

My flight manual continues to serve me well.

Narrator Voice: it is Wednesday night, and KD is out of smoothies somehow. She has not eaten her salad for lunch two days running, opting instead for junk food. The groceries she bought sit on counters and in the fridge, ignored, while she eats leftovers for dinner, or smoothies, or worse, brownies.

KD knows how the last week of school is. She just chooses denial. Every year.

And we’ll be back, after this commercial break! (Or next week when school’s out, whichever comes first.)


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