Actually the goal is not confusion! I like my flight manual colorful, is all. And it’s not really color-coded, just…colorful.

(Pay no attention to the super-huge discs. That’s just me being a doofus. On realizing that my flight manual was close to outgrowing the 3/4-inch size my notebook came with, I decided i should just get a big set so I didn’t have to keep buying larger ones. I know it looks ridiculous. It’s also harder to work with. So I have ordered a smaller set and they are on the way.)
It is time once again (hopefully ongoing for the rest of my life…) for KD’s Healthy Lifestyle.
One of the oft-heard tips for making sure one gets to the gym frequently is to schedule it, but my plans tend to be very fluid, just because they have to be reactive. I have to be able to adapt to the needs of the day! And crossing stuff off one day to add to another quickly leads to a mess. So we’ll try some post-it notes! Each night I’ll move the one(s) most appropriate to the next day and then try to follow them. Some of them are still in last (this) week, if you’re wondering.
“Gym” is pretty obvious. “Portions” mean I’ll watch my portions but not try to go very low calorie. “Go hard” is the opposite–I’ll eat smoothies and salads and try to balance any overages from the portion days. And, of course, the occasional “splurge” will happen. Hopefully a bit less often now that the end of the school year is behind us. >_>
I’ll keep you posted.
I’m going to get to the gym to join this week. I am! I have meant to every day this last week and haven’t made it, so this week something has to give.
Meanwhile my daily exercise has been picking my screen-house back up.
Once and Probably Future State After–and also Before
Meh. It’s a thing. I’m pondering how to strengthen it so it stops falling apart, but I don’t want to glue it. (Hello, doofus, what if you glue the top and bottom squares? Then you could still take it apart to store it… ) (Hmm…) (actually this morning I tried taping it together with electrical tape because I have a ton of it. SO FAR it remains standing–though it is trying to walk across the yard to the neighbors’ house.)
Writing Mention
Still working on the Paranormal sloppy edit. My characters have been stuck in the library so long they’ve probably forgotten how to talk loudly. Or something. I would like to have more creative time in my life to work on this, plskthx.
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