Here it is, the blog post I’ve been wibbling about and putting off finding pictures for since JUNE TENTH. Maybe now that it’s up and no longer To Be Avoided, I’ll get back to blogging more, lolwhoops. CONTENT WARNING–I’m going to be talking about weight loss. If this is triggering to you, please wander off now and be safe. <3
This is me, fostering kittens in 2014. I weighed probably about 275.

And this is me after I lost about eighty pounds, and started doing things like on a whim deciding to climb a mountain because it was in front of me. (I looked for that exact picture, but I couldn’t find it. I possibly need to sort my pictures. I have A Lot.) (And then I found the blog post.)

While this is me after an injury stopped my exercising, and a lot of things in combo–including buying a house, moving, and the former guy getting elected–knocked me out of my routines and into an overwhelmed flurry of just trying to keep my head above water, and it took me years to dig myself out again. Back up to 266.

Is this going to become a weight loss blog? No. I will talk about my life as I always have. But I am embarking on another stage of my weight management journey, and I’m going to talk about that too. And since I can’t afford therapy, y’all will get to “listen” as I thresh some things out.
In a little less than fourteen months, if all goes well (KNOCK WOOD HOLY CATS) I will be the lucky, LUCKY girl who is going to NEW FREAKING ZEALAND. By then I want to sit comfortably in an airline seat, as it is, I’ll have you know, a 21+ hour flight! And when I get there…New Zealand. I want to see EVERYTHING, hike EVERYTHING, I want to do it all!
And there’s only one thing in my control that can affect how much of what I want to do, I actually get to do.
You can see above, I’ve done it before. I’ve got plenty of time to do it at a healthy rate. I know how to do it. I know why I’m doing it.
I’m doing it.
I’ve been working at it for a couple months now, and I’m only just starting to see clear results. When you start high, it can take 25 pounds to see anything, and I need that motivation. I can lose 3-5 pounds super quick, you see, but the trick is sticking with that good start. I have some Issues (as one must, I think, to get to where I am) and they tend to sabotage me.
I haven’t decided yet how much I’m going to talk about my Issues. They are mine, but if I want my posts to be helpful for a reader as well as for me, I’ll probably have to do that. I’ll think about it, and what I’m comfortable with.
For the moment–here we are. I’m starting, and you’re welcome to follow along. I’m using a Fitbit Inspire HR to track my exercise, and MyFitnessPal to track my calories. Currently I’m keeping it simple, making smoothies for my week’s breakfast (I freeze them so they don’t get icky) and salads for lunch. I have mixed nuts and cheese sticks at work because hunger is distracting and also makes me want to throw things out the window both literally and figuratively.
When I come home and I’ve eaten a smoothie, a salad, and six nuts, I can eat whatever happens to happen. (Within reason, obviously.) I’ve done this before, so I know this works for me.
THIS TIME I will make the habits to make it go on forever. So I won’t be taking on anything that, as someone on the MFP boards put it, I don’t want to do for the rest of my life.
I’m not in it to lose and be done. I’m going for weight MANAGEMENT. For my life.
Because I effing love climbing mountains.