Most of the time, I’m really glad I’m publishing through Turtleduck Press instead of a traditional publisher. I love my fellow TDPers, and we work well together. And I honestly love having both great editors, and complete control of the finished product. It’s great!
The time I don’t like it is the week before putting a book out. The closer we get, the more I don’t like it. Gotta get the cover done. Gotta get the copy-edit done, get the sales page started on Amazon, gotta make the page on TDP, gotta–oh! Cover reveal! Gotta do a cover reveal NEED BRAIN, come on, write a blog post…
Yeah, this week is like that. “But KD,” you may say. “What if you just didn’t wait until the last minute?”
“There was a pandemic,” I would tell you. “I’m doing the best I can!” Which is true. But also, a book is never done while it is still in the author’s hands, and obviously when you do it all yourself, it’s in your hands until the moment you hit “publish” on Amazon.
Always, always, there is more to fix, something to make better. It’s difficult to drag myself away from improvements. But, as Bob Ross says (I think–I’m pretty sleepy sometimes when he’s talking,) “You have to stop, or you’ll putter it to death.”
If only the stopping point would occur a week or three ahead of publication date… Now that would make my life easier.
Anyway. Enough of me whining! My son made me art, and I made a cover! Lookit! (And go see him! Zephrial Sieker)
May the Best Ghost Win will be available on…Halloween. Oooohh… (and also mwahahahahaha…)