
Wow.  I got so much done this weekend.  My writing desk, my auxiliary desk (where Real Life crap goes), my files, my little set o’ drawers with comfort necessities (sweaters, slippers, afghan for those 30 degree daily temp variations)–ALL of that got worked on this weekend.  And it looks FANTASTIC.

I have a place on my desk for notes on just about anything I might work on.  The old way was to scrawl ideas on a random piece of paper, then try to keep track of it.  My dictionary and thesaurus are in easy reach.  They were up on a hutch-shelf, making them hard to get down.  Sometimes I just didn’t bother.  My piles ‘n’ piles of crap are filed or pitched.  I have admitted after saving the recipe for five years, that I will never make those absolutely darling Halloween mini-cakes.  My shredder is pouting it’s overheated.  I somehow had THREE hardcopies of Donte floating around.

Hope’s room is a hundred percent better, but that’s partially because a lot of her stuff is in the living room.  That’s okay.  She’s purged a couple small garbage bags-worth, and by having her work in the living room I can help her focus.  Not to mention there’s the threat of “everything still on the floor when it’s bathtime I will clean up.”  She knows that means it’ll be trashed.

If you haven’t guessed, we’re preparing for a roomie.  I got maybe a third of my junk out of what will be Bly’s closet today, and a teeny bit of Hope’s.  But the main focus with Hope’s stuff, was to come up with Places to Put It.  Thus the progress on her room.  I’m not going to run out and buy her furniture–just so I can move it in two months?  No thanks.  But we’ve narrowed her garbage (yes, a lot of it was JUST garbage she tossed in a container instead of the wastebasket) down a lot.  And we’ll purge again when it’s time to move.  I’m a firm believer in junk being junked, not carried from home to home to home.

And I’ve got six small toys to take to work, where I will hand them over to small children fussing in my office, thus giving their parents something to purge later.  *grin*  Hey, as long as it quiets the screaming that actually takes place in my office…

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