May the Best Ghost Win is live! Get it right here! Paperback to follow! Whoohoo! I’m so excited about this one, y’all, you have no idea. Yes, okay, I get excited about all of them. But that doesn’t decrease the awesome. I put out a book! It’s a good one! I hope you’ll find yourself snickering at Lammie at odd moments, and loving on Anton and wishing Ravyn would come sort out your ship. (Not that she’s particularly got her own ship sorted, but anyway.) And Penny and Quonzhenay…love ’em. Oh, and Blake and his friend…
Ahem. Go! Read! Here’s the first chapter, if you want to check that out first.
The Quest goes on
I’ve lost ~30 pounds. It is not much compared to what I want to lose, but I feel amazing. Which is why I’m doing it. I want to feel good, and I want to take care of myself. It’s not about how I look! Though cheekbones…having cheekbones is a bit of a shock. I catch sight of myself in a mirror and I do a doubletake. It’s…yeah, it’s a shock. I love it, though. Gimme more of those kinds of surprises!

NaNoWriMo starts tomorrow! Alas, I am an Old, one with a job no less, who cannot stay up until midnight to greet the event. But I shall spend today preparing, and embark tomorrow with high hopes and ridiculous plans. (Multiple Works In Progress? When I’ve always failed at even completing one book when I tried to “NaNo Rebel” my way to finishing a manuscript instead of starting fresh? Yeah, this should go well.)
…oops there goes another rubber tree plant…
So that’s all the news that’s fit to print, here on Planet!KD. How are you? Happy almost November! I hope your Halloween is great fun, and your autumn is going well. May your Samhain be…satisfying? In my research I learned that wishing someone a “happy” Samhain was inappropriate, but I didn’t really find an appropriate wish, so. May it be what you want it to be.
KD, Many congratulations on the new book, will it be available in e-form anywhere other than Kindle please? Thank you
So sorry to take forever to respond! Yes, it will be on Smashwords soon.